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西方传统历史哲学中一直隐藏着一种以“人”的理性、人性来解释历史、构造世界历史的话语模式,其实这正是人道主义历史观充当其逻辑底线的结果。马克思的历史唯物主义,以人的生产实践活动为起点,抽掉产生于人类实践和生产活动之上的人性、理性作为历史解释之因,建构起以人类自身实践为基础的解释人和人的世界的历史观,从而就直接实现了对西方传统历史哲学解释逻辑的变革和超越。历史唯物主义创立后引起传统历史哲学的话语系统和建构系统都发生了不同的变化,使充满理性思辨和人性色彩的近代历史哲学转向更具生活世界蕴涵的新历史学和历史哲学。  相似文献   
明清鼎革之际,社会动荡乱离,《明季南北略》即是记录这一历史时期的作品。作者计六奇心系明朝,试图以此书来总结明朝由乱而亡的历史教训,寄托自己炽烈的民族感情,并希望以此书留名于世。书中保留了明清之际丰富的史料,特别是关于农民起义和抗清斗争的史料,有许多是不见于他书的珍贵记载;同时,书中许多记载是作者亲身的经历和见闻,更加真实可信,为其他史料所不及;计六奇一生湮没无闻,书中有关的写作经历,也是了解作者生平的第一手资料。  相似文献   
秦汉史成为中国史苑中的显学,既与其内涵丰厚、制度和文化为中古文明奠基有关,也得益于其史学文本的经典优势。研习秦汉史,要从掌握知识系统入手,开阔视野,整合情境,努力移情式地进入秦汉史境;在重视决定论的基础上,要兼采主体史学的运思方法,透过古今的视界融合解读秦汉嬗变,建构通解通识的学术境界;还应充分发挥秦汉史的借鉴功能,赋予历史研究以现代人文关怀,将取鉴的重心主要落实在文化剖判的层面。  相似文献   
作为一个文学史家,厨川白村和周作人都很注重文学史理论形态的建构,都偏向于以逻辑形式来反映文学史进程,而不是单纯地描述文学史现象;同时这种建构模式都有它的现实指向性。另外,文学史作为一种对文学现象历史的研究,必然要涉及治史思维。从文学史关注的倾向以及发展的进程来看,他们的治史思维有同也有异。  相似文献   
多媒体网络技术在教学中的运用引起了传统教学模式的变革。由于观念陈旧、学校资金投入不足以及多用、滥用多媒体网络的恶劣影响等因素,导致高师历史专业部分教师对计算机多媒体网络辅助教学手段重视程度不够。必须杜绝相关的错误观念及其做法,科学开发与研制适合高等师范院校历史专业应用的计算机多媒体网络辅助教学软件,实现高等师范学院课堂教学手段的现代化。  相似文献   
走城市化道路是一个国家迈向现代化的必由之路。我国西部地区的整体发展水平远远落后于东部和中部发达地区,如何启动西部的城市化是当前需要特别关注的问题。绵阳是共和国历史上移植现代工业和高科技而形成的一座新兴城市,绵阳的城市发展历程在共和国历史上较为典型,在西部地区也较为成功。本文选取绵阳城市作为研究个案,着重探讨西部内陆地区走城市化道路的问题。  相似文献   
中国古代,政治与史学恒相依相赖,互为利用,政治为历史编撰和史学研究提供动力和保障,史学则为政治欢呼,论证,鼓噪,政治刮什么风,史学就下什么雨,唐前五代史是唐朝初年官方组织编撰的正史,它因政治而作,倚政治而成,具有强烈的经世致用,为现实政治服务的色彩,突出地反映了古代史学与政治的这种关系。  相似文献   

This article examines the Uruguayan state approach to the teaching of writing in public elementary education during the 1830s, and is an attempt to explain why state officials advanced new pedagogical methods aimed at increasing rationalisation and standardisation. While many different handwriting styles existed in the past, the school system simplified and standardised public education under a single cursive style, the English round-hand. Notwithstanding the state’s standardising directives, Uruguayan teachers combined the pedagogical innovations of Lancaster’s monitorial system with the calligraphic traditions of the old writing masters. According to personal preference and necessity, teachers devised a hybrid system, which implemented new dictation exercises and the use of the writing slate, but preserved the writing masters’ imitation of muestras, and the use of quill, ink, and paper. The government arranged an inventive procedure to accurately measure students’ handwriting performance. The planas, or samples of students’ handwriting, were useful tools in the standardisation and evaluation of public education. Elementary schools from all over the country forwarded handwriting samples to the central state, or exhibited them in public examination ceremonies, as teachers publicised pedagogical success, and state officials confirmed the general advancement of public education. This study is also an attempt to show that the teaching of writing was part of a greater pedagogical mission and nation-building project: the intentional departure from colonial corporate identities, and the construction of a national community conceived as the sum of its individual citizens.  相似文献   
Variables that address student enrollment patterns (e.g., persistence, enrollment inconsistency, completed credit hours, course credit load, course completion rate, procrastination) constitute a longstanding fixture of analytical strategies in educational research, particularly research that focuses on explaining variation in academic outcomes. However, nearly all measures of enrollment patterns are handicapped by untested assumptions about a more fundamental measure, namely students’ rate of progress. In this paper, I first explain how a variety of widely used measures of enrollment patterns are inextricably linked to students’ rate of progress. I then describe a method of modeling mathematically students’ rate of progress that employs hierarchical (multilevel) discrete-time event history analysis of repeated events. I conclude with an empirical example of the application of this method in which I test several hypotheses concerning students’ rate of progress through the remedial math sequence toward the outcome of college-level math competency. In addition to the utility of the method that is proposed here, the issues discussed in this paper have important practical implications for institutional research, particularly with respect to the use of the various measures of enrollment patterns to explain variation in students’ attainment.
Peter Riley BahrEmail:
HPM是一个新兴的研究领域。教育取向的数学史对课堂教学,对认识数学的文化性,对师范生的培养均有重要意义。认知的历史相似性原理的系列实证研究、基于数学史的教学设计研究、数学史知识在课堂教学中运用的实验研究、运用数学史促进教师专业发展的行动研究等挖掘了教育取向的数学史的教育价值。利用信息技术挖掘教育取向的数学史的教育价值是一条值得尝试的新路。  相似文献   
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